What is Time on Redfin?
Where can I find Time on Redfin?
What’s the difference between Time on Redfin and Cumulative Days on Market?
Why did Redfin change its count type?
How was the count reset on Redfin before the change?
What is Time on Redfin?
"Time on Redfin" measures the total number of days the property has been advertised as on market under this MLS number on Redfin.
Where can I find Time on Redfin?
You can find out how long a home has been on our site under "Time on Redfin," which is located beneath the home's description in the Home Facts section.
What’s the difference between Time on Redfin and Cumulative Days on Market?
"Time on Redfin" measures the total number of days the property has been listed as being for sale under an MLS number on Redfin, whereas "Cumulative Days on Market" is typically the number of days a property has been active on the market and may include brief periods when the seller temporarily removes the property from the market.
Why did Redfin change its count type?
Your suggestions allowed us to modify the way "Time on Redfin" is calculated.
This count was different from the MLS; it showed days on market generally as the number of days that a property had been active on the market and included brief periods when the property was removed from the market by the seller.
How was the count reset on Redfin before the change?
To reset the days on the Redfin website, you previously had to create a new listing with a different MLS number.