The “Notification Settings” page is where you can control all of your Redfin alerts.
Starting with Recommended for You alerts, you can add a price and location filter. For Rental Recommended for You alerts, you can select the frequency of your emails, Instant or Daily.
Instant alerts send you an email as soon as a property pops up that might fit your needs. By selecting daily emails, we will save new rentals and send a complete list of those homes once per day.
Next to "Update Types", you can click Edit to see 6 different types of updates. Do you want an email every time a price changes on a favorite property? Every time there is a new open house? Select which options you would like to be notified about here.
Saved Searches
You can also select the types of updates you want for Saved Searches. Below the Update Types option, you will see a list of all your Saved Searches. Click Edit next to a specific search if you need to make any changes, along with frequency settings for you to adjust.
Touring Texts
If you are touring homes with a Redfin Buyer's agent, we recommend signing up for Text alerts. Email alerts are always turned on, but by adding your phone number, you can get a text reminder, ensuring you never miss an alert about your tour.
If you are interested in Redfin news, local resources, or our blog, you'll want to select one of the following options.
If you want to stay informed about statistics and trends about your home and others in the area, sign up for our Home Reports. Check out this article to get signed up for Home Reports.
You can also sign up for information about market trends. Last Call will notify you if a home you're interested in sets an offer review date. Additionally, you can choose to be notified about weekend open hours that match your saved search criteria.
Unsubscribe From All Emails:
At the very bottom of the 'Notification Settings'' page, you will see the option to unsubscribe from all emails.
A popup box will appear asking if you are sure you would like to unsubscribe. Select ‘Yes, unsubscribe'. This will turn off all emails. You can always turn them back on by signing up for a new report or adjusting your notification settings.