What is Redfin’s Subpoena Policy?
Does Redfin provide the content of my communications?
When does Redfin provide information for civil subpoenas?
Will I be notified if I get subpoenaed?
Under what other circumstances will Redfin make records available?
What is Redfin’s civil subpoena response time?
Does Redfin require a protective order for confidential or private information?
What are Redfin’s subpoena processing fees?
What is Redfin’s Subpoena Policy?
Redfin’s Subpoena Policy provides that we will not release company, employee, or customer information to third parties except in response to lawful process or where we have a good faith belief that disclosure is necessary to prevent fraud or illegal activity. Redfin works with law enforcement and attorneys in civil matters where appropriate and to the extent required by the law. Additionally, we may disclose information pursuant to subpoenas, court orders, or other requests (in both criminal and civil matters) if we have a good faith belief that doing so is legally required.
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Does Redfin provide the content of my communications?
Redfin does not provide the content of customer communications made through a customer’s Redfin account except in compliance with Redfin’s Privacy Policy and, to the extent applicable, the Stored Communications Act, 18 U.S.C. § 2701 et seq.
When does Redfin provide information for civil subpoenas?
Redfin typically only provides information to a party in a civil matter where: 1) a valid Washington state or federal subpoena is personally served on Redfin; 2) the requested documents are not readily accessible to the parties directly, and 3) the subpoena complies with the applicable Washington Civil Rules or Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and does not impose an undue burden or expense on Redfin. Out-of-state civil subpoenas must be domesticated in Washington and properly served on Redfin or Redfin’s registered agent.
Please note that in addressing and assessing undue burden, Redfin may object to a subpoena if we believe that the rights of the company or individual are outweighed by the value of the information requested.
Will I be notified if I get subpoenaed?
In certain circumstances, Redfin may notify individuals whose records are the subject of a subpoena before responding to the legal process. Redfin reserves the right to respond to subpoenas without notification to individuals in instances such as, without limitation, suspected fraud, illegal activity, abuse of Redfin’s system, or where notification is otherwise prohibited by law.
Under what other circumstances will Redfin make records available?
Redfin may provide records, with or without legal process, where we have a good faith belief that it’s required by law or necessary to prevent fraud or illegal activity.
What is Redfin’s civil subpoena response time?
Redfin generally requires at least 30 days to process a valid civil subpoena. Additional time may be required depending on various factors. Delivery may be delayed if the issuing party fails to include Redfin’s processing fee with its request.
Does Redfin require a protective order for confidential or private information?
To the extent a subpoena requests confidential or private information, Redfin generally requires a protective order be in place that protects the confidential or private information from disclosure beyond the litigation.
What are Redfin’s subpoena processing fees?
Redfin requires a fee for processing subpoenas. Redfin’s standard fee is $150.00 per subpoena, which may be increased depending on the scope of the requests.