Delisted Properties
Where can I see if a home was delisted?
When a home is delisted does it remove the old listing information?
Why did I receive an email for an active listing, and when I clicked it, it was off-market?
How can I get updated when a home is relisted?
What is a delisted property?
A property that was listed on the market but no longer is an active listing.
Where can I see if a home was delisted?
A listing will show all sale history Redfin has under the Sale and Tax History Section on a listing page.
Why is a property delisted?
A property can be removed by a listing agent when the homeowner decides to no longer list their property and removes it from the MLS.
When a home is delisted does it remove the old listing information?
Yes, when a home is delisted from the MLS, details such as the listing photos, listing price, and description will no longer be available on Redfin. What will show on the property page instead, will either be the sale information from the last MLS listing or public records information from the County Assessor.
Why did I receive an email for an active listing, and when I clicked it, it was off-market?
Emails are automatically sent to customers who choose to get updates on new listings. When you click on a listing in your email and it appears off-market, it could be because the listing agent has removed the listing from the MLS quickly after listing.
How can I get updated when a home is relisted?
When a home is delisted there could be a possibility that it will be put back on the market. To get updates if the home goes back on the market, add the property to your list of Favorites.