Redfin and Our Agents
What makes Redfin agents different from other real estate agents?
How can I learn more about Redfin agents in my area?
How do I contact a local Redfin agent?
The Selling Process
What are the typical steps in the home-selling process?
What’s the least amount of time it typically takes to sell?
How can I find out how much my home will sell for?
Where can I find trusted service providers, such as title companies?
How can I learn more about the market?
How can I compare my home to others around it?
Listing Fees
What is the cost to sell with Redfin?
If the home doesn’t sell, do I still have to pay Redfin?
What services are included in the listing fee?
What percentage is paid to the buyer’s agent?
If the buyer doesn't have an agent, do I pay less in fees?
What is the Buy and Sell rebate?
Listing a Home on
Can my home be displayed on even if I don't use a Redfin agent?
Can I list my home on if I choose to sell without an agent?
I have an upcoming open house for my listing. Can I add this to
Why is my off-market home on
How can I ensure my home facts are accurate, and the Redfin Estimate reflects that?
Redfin and Our Agents
How does Redfin work?
Redfin is a full-service brokerage that uses modern technology to reach the most buyers. We charge lower fees than most traditional brokerages while delivering better results.
Redfin agents are local market experts who provide valuable insights about the selling process and buyers in your area, backed by real data. Learn More
What makes Redfin agents different from other real estate agents?
Redfin agents use modern technology to reach more buyers and charge lower fees than traditional brokerages. Our agents sell twice as many homes as other agents. You can choose the agent that's right for you by reading customer reviews on our site.
How can I learn more about Redfin agents in my area?
Enter your zip code or city into the search box on this page. Click on any agent’s photo to see a profile that displays the agent's transaction history, customer reviews, and contact information. If you already know the name of an agent in your area, you can also search for them by name.
How do I contact a local Redfin agent?
You have a couple of options. You can request a free, no-obligation consultation with a Redfin agent via our website. Or, if you'd like to contact a specific agent, just call the agent's team number or use the "Ask a Question" box. Both are located on every agent's profile and on the listing pages of homes in their area.
The Selling Process
What are the typical steps in the home-selling process?
Our Home-Selling Guide can walk you through the process of selling your home, from preparing for a sale to handing over your keys. For in-person guidance and the opportunity to meet a Redfin agent, look for one of our free home-selling classes in your area.
What’s the least amount of time it typically takes to sell?
The best way to find out how quickly your home might sell is to talk to a Redfin agent who knows the market in your area.
How can I find out how much my home will sell for?
The Redfin Estimate is a good place to start. It can give you a good idea of your home's market value based on MLS data that Redfin collects on recently sold homes. For an even more accurate estimate, contact a local Redfin agent.
Where can I find trusted service providers, such as title companies?
Your Redfin agent can help with recommendations. You can also check out Redfin Open Book, a directory of local service providers, from home stagers to escrow companies, all reviewed by Redfin customers.
How can I learn more about the market?
Our Data Center offers information about the housing market in metropolitan areas, cities, neighborhoods, and zip codes across the country. Redfin agents can also answer questions about the market, either one-on-one or during a free home-selling class.
How can I compare my home to others around it?
You can see homes like yours that are for sale or have recently sold by entering your city or zip code in our search tool. Then use filters to specify sold homes or homes for sale, property type, year built, and more. Learn More
Another option is to search for your home on and scroll down to the bottom of your home's page to see similar homes nearby.
Listing Fees
What is the cost to sell with Redfin?
Sell for a 1% listing fee only if you also buy with Redfin within 365 days of closing on your Redfin listing. If you sell first, we will initially charge the applicable listing fee for your market, and then send you a check for the difference after you buy your next home with Redfin. Listing fees are subject to market based minimum commissions and other terms. To see the applicable listing fee for your market and current minimums and other terms, visit
Listing fees can also vary if you sell to an unrepresented buyer or hire Redfin for additional services (like our Redfin Concierge program available in some markets). To see our current minimums and other terms, visit
You may also choose to offer a buyer’s agent fee, which is negotiable.
In areas where we don't yet have Redfin agents, or if our agents are at capacity, Redfin may refer you to one of our Partner agents to sell your home. The fee a Partner agent will charge to list your home may not be the same as Redfin’s fees described above. As with a sale with a Redfin agent, you may also choose to offer to pay a buyer’s agent fee. Since real estate fees are negotiable, you should discuss the listing fee, as well as any fee you may wish to offer a buyer’s agent, directly with the Partner agent.
If the home doesn’t sell, do I still have to pay Redfin?
No, except in unique circumstances. In general, you'll only be asked to pay the agent's fees at the time your home sells.
What services are included in the listing fee?
Redfin is a full-service brokerage with local, experienced agents who will help you every step of the way. We offer a free, no-obligation consultation with an agent who can meet you at your home to discuss the property and offer a comparative market analysis. If you decide to list with us, we’ll arrange for professional photography, an MLS listing, a digital marketing plan, a yard sign, fliers, and an open house schedule. We also offer a 3D Walkthrough tour for Redfin-listed homes.
What percentage is paid to the buyer’s agent?
You’re not required to offer any compensation to a buyer’s agent, though many sellers choose to pay a commission to the buyer's agent. Your Redfin Agent has access to data around how the amount of buyer's agent commission offered can benefit or hurt a sale in your area, so they can help you make an informed choice for how much to offer for the sale of your home. The amount to offer a buyer's agent is always negotiable and is ultimately your decision.
If the buyer doesn't have an agent, do I pay less in fees?
If you work with Redfin and select an offer from a buyer who is unrepresented, you don't pay a buyer's agent commission, and we increase our listing commission by 1%. Selling to an unrepresented buyer can sometimes bring challenges, so as with any offer, you'll want to talk to your Redfin agent about the potential upsides and downsides of the terms of each offer before accepting.
What is the Buy to Sell rebate?
Sell for a 1% listing fee only if you also buy with Redfin within 365 days of closing on your Redfin listing. Our clients who sell and then buy with us within 365 will pay the listing fee applicable to their market on their sale; later, they will get a check for the difference. If you buy first and then sell, you will pay a 1% listing fee. This listing fee and savings are subject to minimum commissions and other terms. To see the applicable listing fee for your market and current minimums and other terms, visit Listing fees can vary if you sell to an unrepresented buyer or hire Redfin for additional services (like our Redfin Concierge program, available in some markets).
Listing a Home on
Can my home be displayed on even if I don't use a Redfin agent?
Yes! Our website and mobile apps pull directly from the local real estate database (MLS), which is updated by local listing agents from a variety of brokerages. If your home is listed on the MLS, the home's details will be pulled onto with the same photos and listing information that your listing agent included in the original listing. Listings on Redfin are updated every 2 minutes, on average.
Can I list my home on if I choose to sell without an agent?
We do our best to show as many for-sale-by-owner (FSBO) listings as possible by pulling data from and Please contact their support teams for more details about how to make sure your FSBO home appears on
I have an upcoming open house for my listing. Can I add this to
Redfin pulls all home details, including open houses, directly from the MLS. Please make sure that your listing agent adds the date and time of the open house to the MLS listing, and will show these details from there. Our site does not have a way for agents to log in and add open house information directly, but know that if the details are in the MLS, they will also be on
Why is my off-market home on
Redfin pulls off-market homes from the MLS and the county assessor. We show sold homes for real estate data purposes and to help sellers estimate their home's value by comparing it with other homes nearby.
How can I ensure my home facts are accurate, and the Redfin Estimate reflects that?
If your home is currently for sale and you notice that your home facts are not accurate, please check with your listing agent to make sure your home's MLS information has been entered correctly into the local real estate database. Redfin uses MLS data to calculate your home's current market value and updates your home's Redfin Estimate daily.
If your home is not currently for sale, click the Edit Home Facts button on your home's page to update the public facts anytime. The Redfin Estimate for your home will be updated within a week after you make changes. If you decide to sell, remember that any details or photos added by your listing agent will replace the current information showing on